Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

4 Illegal SEO Tricks

The struggle to reach the top spot on search engine result knows no boundaries - both technically and ethically. There are many reports of sites banned by Google and other search engines either temporarily or permanently, because of malpractice and to use 'black hat' SEO optimization techniques. Reaction from the search engine is easy to understand - with so much deceit and plagiarism are put there by the SEO experts in their arsenal, the results displayed by search engines will be totally unrelated to the content of the website.
And this is dangerous because the risk of the website banned by Google. And if only the search engines do not detect this fraud, your competitors will report it.
Keyword Density or Keyword Stuffing
Sometimes an SEO expert to do it beyond the limits of ethics in order to boost their client sites in top positions using unethical practices, such as Keywod Stuffing. Keyword stuffing is considered as an unethical practice because you basically do is write down as many keywords that are not related to the website itself to trick users into search engine, this activity often make users SE (Search Engine) astray.
Doorway Pages and Hidden Text
Another common keyword is doorway pages. Before Google introduced PageRank algorithm, doorways were a common practice and then he was not considered an illegal optimization. A doorway page is a page created specifically for search engines not to humans, use to get the best position in search engines and deceive users to come to the site.
Keywords Though still the recommended way, but relying solely on keywords to determine the best position your site, is wrong. So doorway pages is not the best way to get high traffic for your site, but if you use it, do not blame Google if you punish.
There is a another technique which is almost similar to the doorway page that is hidden text, which is not visible to humans but is included in the HTML page source, to trick the search engines that these pages are keyword-rich. Actually, doorways and hidden text can not be (difficult) if qualified as a way of optimizing the site, but they are more reasonable in kualifikasikan as a technique to manipulate and trick users into search engine, with the legal consequences of your site by Google, Yahoo and MSN.
Field duplicate (Duplicate Content)
The content (content) website is the most important thing in SEO, but not duplicate the text / content. In Google's rules, duplicating the same text means the text is a different page on same site. If you copy and paste the same paragraphs from one page else on your site, then you might expect your site's rank dropped. Most SEO experts believe that the technique combines the text / content is not a duplication of text and there are many examples of this.
If combining the text / content categorized as a duplication of text then the site news agencies are the first sites will drop its ranking on search engine results. But it does not hurt, to check if your site has duplicate content with other sites, at least, somebody might be illegally copying the contents of your site and you do not know. Similar Page Checker Tool Similar Page Checker can help you to find out if there's another site that is illegally copying the contents of your site.
Spam Links
Link Spam is another major problem in SEO tool, SEO tool like the others, it can be used or misused. While backlinks is important (for Yahoo backlinks are important as quantity, while Google is more important what sites backlinks come from), has dozens of backlinks from a link farm or from a site that has been in the same backlist you requested punished by Google.
One more thing, if outbound links (links from your site to go to other sites / links to others) in the appeal of larger amount of inbound links (links from other sites to your site / link you), then you have made vain efforts futile, because it will not raise the ranking of your site. You can use the Domain Stats Tool to see the number of backlinks (inbound links) to your site and the Site Link Analyzer to find out how many links you have (outbound links).
Using keywords in your link (anchor text), domain name, folder name and file it useful to put your position in search engine rankings, but these efforts at legal risk by Google. For example, if you try to optimize the word "cat", this word is frequently chosen as keywords and popular keywords and phrases, competition is fierce, so you do not see other alternatives for reaching the top, making this domain http://ayu -Sariayu-ayusari-ayunya.com, so that the input with a number of keywords to the maximum, but remember - your domain will be difficult to remember. And second - if the contents of it does not contain data such as names listed in the domain, then your site will not be in the top position in search results.
Although file and folder names are less important than domain names, now and then (but not always) you can enter "cat" in it and the text arrows of links (anchor text). It is considered good, providing an anchor link not as a copy of the inserted (eg if you use the "cat_cats_kitten", as an anchor to anchor internal site links are inset). While you do not have control over the third part which was a link on your site, and use the anchors that you dislike, and it is up to you to perform periodic checks, the anchor of what other sites use to link your site.
Finally, for Google and other search engines, no different if a site was deliberate optimization berlebihan ways to trick the search engines, this can be quite the result dari good intentions, then whatever your motivation, do not forget to use such a sensible and remember! do not exceed the rule.
Link farm is a sort of mutual antarsitus networks link each other to improve their link popularity. Can be a button-sized 88 × 31 pixels, or only text that can be clicked.

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