Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

4 Illegal SEO Tricks

The struggle to reach the top spot on search engine result knows no boundaries - both technically and ethically. There are many reports of sites banned by Google and other search engines either temporarily or permanently, because of malpractice and to use 'black hat' SEO optimization techniques. Reaction from the search engine is easy to understand - with so much deceit and plagiarism are put there by the SEO experts in their arsenal, the results displayed by search engines will be totally unrelated to the content of the website.
And this is dangerous because the risk of the website banned by Google. And if only the search engines do not detect this fraud, your competitors will report it.

SEO Tricks Cuttlefish

SEO Tricks squid. SEO tricks have long with the other categories. However, at this time I will post a time to make one more SEO articles for all information. Curious? . . .

The squid, a sea animal with a lot of arms. Yes, Arm! Due to strong arm a lot and was so even a giant squid can beat a giant white shark. What if applied to SEO?
Figure 1. SEO squid

Actually, the core of the SEO tricks that exploit squid dummy blog and also do follow social bookmarking free (If you want to pay too may still). Well, just how ya combine existing links so that it can provide power on a single article on the main blog. To facilitate note the illustration below:

Meta tags The best bloggers

Actually Meta tag bloggers which I will explain explain is not the best blogger meta tags because there may be a meta tag other bloggers are better than this, but for a little attention, the title bombastic Peace Sign made unreadable.

Many people say that installing the meta tags are SEO techniques that have been antiquated and not necessary anymore. Maybe it's true, but maybe not. To avoid confusing, mending we see the facts on the ground.

Write keywords here Blogspot tutorial on google.


As a result, my blog was ranked first (at the time this article was written). Shown on the search results is the blog title and blog description of the course in pairs with a meta description tag. This gives the fact that the installation of the meta tag is still required as one supporter in SEO.